Monday, September 3, 2018

In the Cool of the Day

Something to think about.

In the Cool of the Day 

8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. Genesis 3:8

This is the most idyllic of verse in the entire Bible.  It creates for me a vision of walking along a cliff admiring the awesomeness of the open ocean with majestic mountains behind me and a comforting cooling breeze coming off the clear blue ocean water below.  That's what I envision walking with God would be like. The beauty of both the ocean and the mountains.  You may envision it just like it is described in this verse but I prefer to envision it my way. Why? Because that is my understanding of what perfection would be. Walking with God at any time in any place would be the definition of perfection. 

The way it is written gives me the sense that this is not the first time they had walked with God. For me, it leaves me with the impression that they had done this various times before. Imagine walking with God. Talking to God as a man speaks to a man.  We all desire to be here; walking with God speaking with God spending time with God.  I know we have the Holy Spirit of God but to walk with God as Adam And Eve did. It is what we long for. 

It only happened before sin came into the world. This is the last instance in the entire Bible where man walks with God as we might walk with a friend. Though walking with God is only mentioned once it must have been Adams and Eve's greatest regret losing that intimacy with their creator. Having known God face to face and then never seeing Him again what must that have been like?  

The entirety of the Bible is designed to take all of us back to that place where we can for the first time take a walk with God.  Its purpose is to restore us to a place of Holiness where we can walk with God in total Righteousness. As simplistic as it may sound God wants us all back in the garden. Back too a place where we can be with God cleaned of sin and restore to life in God. Getting back to the garden is such a simple thing to do.  

We but have to accept what God has already done for us. Accept the price He paid for us. Accepting the sacrifice of His son for our return to the garden to spend some one on one time with God.  I look forward to spending some time with my father. How about you? Do you long to spend some time with Him?


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