Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Something to think about.


14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:14 

One of the most famous inspiring verse in the entire Bible. Read in context this verse is about living through life's adversity and challenges to achieve the ultimate goal of living eternally with Jesus. I am not going to address this aspect of this verses. I want to talk about "the heavenly prize."   

I want to look at the goal, the heavenly prize. What is the heavenly prize? More than anything else it is a destination. It is not a mystical ideology or expression. It is not a metaphor for what our end result should look like. It is the end result. It is a real place it is a physical reality. It is something we will be able to touch, feel, smell and taste. Ok, so what? It is a place it has substance it has specific boundaries. It is something we can actually feel and interact with.  Again, so what? 

This verse is not just about the struggle it is more about the destination. Without the destination, we struggle in vain.  Without a clear result, why would you exert the effort? Our world right now is headed down an abyss of hopeless nothingness. Every move of society leads to where? No one is asking the question if we proceed on our present course what will it lead to.  Every path society is pursuing leads to an end of nothingness, and we are hopeless to stop it. The only path that offers hope is the path that leads to "the heavenly prize."

I have to ask you do you have a destination for your life?  If not, why not? We are famous for hearing and saying you can do anything you want. But no you can't. You can only do those things you define and have a destination. You have infinite choices, but you can only accomplish those things you can actually define. You are not going to become the leader in your industry or profession without somewhere along the line turning that dream into a destination.  

So you have a dream, so what? You've heard all of your life you must have a dream and you have one so what? Let me exclaim this as clearly as possible no one has ever accomplished a dream. You reach a destination. You do not accomplish a dream. I had a dream of becoming a professional baseball player, I never became one. Not because I didn't have the tools, I did but because it was never a destination. It was a pie in the sky dream that had no, landing strip. It never moved from the dream stage to the destination stage. What would have happened had I made it a concrete destination?  

What makes the destination so important is that it defines the course. Your dreams do not define the course that is why you can never accomplish a dream.  The destination defines the course that turns the dream into reality.

"The heavenly prize" do you want it? You must make it a destination.  The destination will determine the course. Then the dream becomes a reality.


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