Something to think about.
In the End, At The End of The Day
31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (ESV)
I've said, and I've heard it said, in the end, or at the end of the day we pray this will bring you glory. The intent is that after everything is said in done the task we have undertaken will bring Glory to God. Which is a noble and desirable intention It is where our hearts should be in all we do. If we do whatever we do honestly and excellently it will bring honor and glory to God.
But I don't think that is what is intended in this verse. I don't think God wants us to glorify Him with the products of our efforts. I believe He wants us to Glorify Him in the process. He is not asking us to glorify Him at the end of our lives. Does He want us to say when we are near the end of our time God I want to Glorify you for all you have done throughout my life? That is what "in the end at the end of the day" means. It means when everything is said and done.
Is that what God wants to hear us say. When you reach the end of a project or endeavor is it then that you say thanks for your help. Let me acknowledge you now that it is over. Does God want to hear how He has blessed you at the end? How He has inspired you motivated you helped you at the end? Is that what glorifying God means? Here is the reality if you wait until the end of the day to glorify God you will forget when it was that He help you through the day.
You can not do "whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" if you are not Glorifying God in the process. You can not do anything to the glory of God if He is not in it in the beginning in the middle and at the end. If He is not in it from beginning to end, you are missing it. If you want to be selfish about this, Think of it this way. The more you glorify Him, the more He will bless you. Well, you might say I don't want to be selfish, your immaturity is showing. God will only bless those who bless Him. Selfish or not if you glorify God he will bless you one can't go without the other.
If you want the blessing of God in your life, Glorify Him. To glorify God is to involve Him in the process not just to acknowledge Him in the end. You want His attention Glorify Him. You want His blessing Glorify Him. You want a closer relationship with Him glorify Him. If you start with glory and you proceed in glory, you will receive His glory.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
In the End, At The End of The Day
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Let My People Go
Something to think about.
Let My People Go
1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh and tell him, ‘Thus says the Lord God of the Hebrews: “Let My people go, that they may serve Me. Exodus 9:1
You are Moses you walk into the court of the pharaoh and make this demand. What was going through Moses's mind? Did he have any idea what he was getting into? Was it sheer guts, faith or insanity that would bring him back to the scene of the crime and make such an incredible demand.
I don't know if Moses at this point knew the extent of the mass of humanity he was asking for. He was gone for forty years herding sheep. I don't know how herding sheep prepared him for something so monumental as moving millions of people from one location to another. He was asking to do something that had never been done or attempted. Without any help whatsoever. He did not ask Pharaoh for provisions to provide for this mass of humanity.
I think the forty years herding sheep taught Moses one thing. The value of isolation with God. I think he spent time learning to communicate and depend on God for all things at all times. We take it for granted that Moses heard from God. How would Moses have known it was from God if he didn't know God? He did not ask Pharaoh to release the nation of Israel because of great leadership skills or intestinal fortitude or spiritual wisdom. He did it because he recognized Him who asked. And He knew that the one who asked Him was sufficient for the task.
Even though he had spent his childhood and youth in the court of Pharaoh, he spent forty years unlearning everything he had been taught there. He had to learn about dependence on God. His education was not about leadership logistics, mass migrations. His education was all about learning who God was and how he could be dependant on Him.
"Let My people go" God is still asking the same thing, only He is asking us to be Moses. To know Him well enough to be able to lead a mass migration from death to life in Christ. But for us to succeed in the call of God we must take the time to know who God is. To know that He is the provider of His people, not us.
We want to know how it all plays out before we make the first move. Moses stood before Pharaoh with nothing but a staff and the word of God. God did not show Moses the playbook.? He did not give Him turn by turn instructions. Still, Moses stood before Pharaoh and made this outlandish demand. I wonder if Moses actually expected Pharaoh to comply without resistance. Or did he assume it would be his last day on earth?
For me, I need to know God well enough to recognize His voice when He speaks to me.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Gray Hair
Something to think about.
Grey Hair
They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing,
15 To declare that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Psalms 92:14-15
Have we the older generation abdicated our responsibility to succeeding generations? Have we allowed ourselves to be silenced by the supposed wisdom of youth? I understand technology is far outpacing our desire to learn new mechanics. We have no interest in learning about the latest new craze. We have no interest in the new methods of communication. We would prefer if life were as it was when we where children. We are astonished as is everyone else with the rapid pace of technical achievements. We are amazed at all of the discoveries that are being made in many fields. The world is moving at such a fast pace it is difficult to keep up.
There is an old saying; the more things change, the more they stay the same. For all of the dazzling advance for all of the new modern ways. Humanity still remains the same. We have to eat, sleep, work, live and die. The rest of it, all of the excitement and accomplishments are still subservient to our basic needs. The need for purpose, meaning, and love are at the center of our existence. People are still asking why am I here what is my purpose? Is this all there is? These are not new questions. The answers have not changed throughout the history of man. We are still asking.
The wisdom of our old age points to one thing a God who loves us. Who is just, righteous and everlasting. Any other answer leads to the emptiness of nothingness and the epitome of hopelessness. Without God there is no purpose there is no meaning there is no such thing as love. Without God we are but animals existing meaningless lives with the sole purpose of eating, sleeping, dying. Without God, you will not be even a grain of sand in the eons of time that the universe will exist. The memory of you will not exist. Your existence will never be recorded anywhere. It will be as if you never lived.
Technology will never be able to answer. Where did we come from? It will never provide you with purpose; it will never fulfill your soul, it will never love you. But God of creation will and does love you. He gives meaning to your life and defines a purpose for your immediate and eternal existence.
Our value and purpose as we get older may not be in technology and science it is in teaching and leading the next generation to the everlasting loving just God of Creation.
Friday, November 24, 2017
How Far Away?
Something to think about.
How Far Away?
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. Matthew 5:44-45
"That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven." Whoa, did you read the verse before this? "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you." These are some very high standards. Love your enemies. That is a mouthful not in words but in action. Christians are being persecuted killed and hated throughout the world. Here is Jesus speaking to us today. It is almost as if this scripture was written with this date in mind. And He is telling us that we should love our enemies. Those that wish to cause us physical harm. Those that want to enslave and silence us. Those that want to banish us to a quiet room. We are to love them.
How far away are you from this kind of love? Personally, I don't think I am on the same field. I can barely acknowledge that I have enemies. That someone would actually want to cause me harm because I believe in Jesus. Not only do I have to accept this reality but I have to love them as well. I don't get to hate them. I don't have the right to retribution. I can't have justice? Before I love them. None of the things I thought I had a right to like revenge can I claim. I am told I must love them.
Jesus is saying things that are counter normalcy. He is saying you must forgive your enemies. You say it does not say that. No, it doesn't, but you must forgive before you can love. Is it normal to forgive your enemies those that have caused you harm? Is it normal to love those that hate you? Is it normal to do these things while you are in conflict with your enemies? We are not given preconditions of when to love. Jesus does not say when they start to love you then love them. He does not say when, if, and after. He says love your enemies.
I have not gotten past " Love your enemies" so the rest of the verse is something to aspire to. How far are you?
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Pray in The Shower
Something to think about.
Pray in The Shower
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
A Prophecy
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Before The Creation of The World
Something to think about.
Before The Creation of The World.
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. Ephesians 1:4
He chose you.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Do What I Say
Something to think about
Do What I Say
46“But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?
This statement by Jesus can be the most condemning of all scripture. He is asking if you believe in me why are you still doing things that I am opposed to.
There is no room for "buts in this statement." He is asking a direct question to His disciples and believers. He is saying if you truly believed in me you would follow my teachings. There is a caveat to this statement, an unexpressed condition. In order to do what He says we must know what He says. Often we need to grow to a level of spiritual maturity to understand what He is saying. Jesus often spoke in parables to His audiences. Then He explained His parables to His disciples.
We are no different we need to be taught the words of Jesus. I believe the one condemning reality of this statement by Jesus is this. Are you willing to learn the teaching of Jesus? Are you willing to invest the time and effort to know what He said? I am not saying sit in an audience and listening to what some other person has learned. I am talking about investing your time into discovering it for your self. Yes, corporate involvement is necessary and vital, but it is your responsibility to find out for yourself. If we did not have a direct source, it would be one thing. But we have the word of God available to us. We must out of our own accord take the time to work out our own salvation in conjunction with the word of God.
This statement of Jesus presupposes that you know what it is He says. You will only call Him Lord if you know who He is. Those who read this and don't know him as Lord are not bound by this statement. They would never call Him Lord. Additionally, they can't call Him Lord because they don't know what that means. Not until they know Him will they able to call Him Lord. Even in this they must know Him, not know of Him.
There is a continual process of growth, and at every level, we need to respond in accordance with the increased knowledge we receive. But regardless of where we are in our process, we need to behave in accordance with what has been imparted to us. While being open to the continual revelation. Once you know Him. When you know what He said. After acknowledging Him as Lord are you doing what He said? Leia Mais…
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Evil To Serve
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
The War Within
Friday, November 10, 2017
Monday, November 6, 2017
Business After Hours Report
I want to thank Tamryn for being our guest speaker at our Business After Hours. On October 31st we were challenged, changed and educated by Tamryn Klintworth. A woman who is totally committed to fulfilling her God-given vision. It was an amazing night. but, that really doesn't express how she impacted the lives of those in attendance. Allow me to share with you one of the things she did that impacted me.
“Winning Africa for Jesus.’ I don’t know if that is Tamryn's vision statement or just a tagline. As she was speaking about "Winning Africa for Jesus," she showed us a map of Africa. She spoke about the crusades in Ethiopia and told us Ethiopia is pivotal in the fight to win Africa. She shared the challenges she has in putting together a crusade. The high cost of the crusades and the increased cost of larger crusades. She told us about her needs, she told us about the souls that would be won. She told us about the ministry teams that are in place to disciple and mentor new converts. Local pastors are excited about being included in the crusades. They are thrilled and prepared to minister to the new converts. We were educated on the needs and challenges that face Africa. The sheer size of Africa is daunting. None of the obstacles she shared appeared to faze her. All she see's is God's provision and how He plans to use her to overcome them.
You know what she did not say, she did not say “if.” Never did she say if you don't help me this won't get done. "If" was not used as a qualifier. If we give, if God provides, if we believe. 'If" was left out of the conversation. Once you remove the word "if" everything becomes an action. She is totally focused on bringing about what God has preordained. She actually believes and expects to win Africa for Jesus. Did I mention Africa is huge? She never said her vision was subject to the support of a man. She said she needed money but never insinuated that if we did not provide the support it would not happen. Her dependence for provision is on of God. She is committed beyond her life to accomplish this goal. Her plan is for a generational ministry. One that will continue her vision if she does not complete it. “Winning Africa for Jesus” is not a tagline or a vision statement it’s her life's mission.
What does that have to do with business? How big is your vision? Is it citywide, is it statewide is it countrywide, is it worldwide? Is it in you? This thin African woman is totally committed to fulfilling her God-given dream. She is not looking back or making excuses. Is your business vision big enough? Are you short-changing yourself by not letting God establish your vision? For me, she has torn down my level of expectation. She's made me realize God has so much more for me than I had imagined. I have to stop, take a look at what I am doing and ask God to declare the vision for my life. Is there a dream a vision God has given you that you have put away because it was too big? It is too big because God wants us to be completely dependent on Him for its fulfillment. He is allowing us to be a small part of His eternal plan. When your vision is bigger than you are, that's when you know you have the proper vision.
Tamyrn's website Leia Mais…