Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Question and Oberservations Part Two

As a result of my new appreciation of time I have thought about the theory of evolution and am deeply saddened by the people who have been duped into believing that it is even remotely possible. Beside all the obvious objections we could discuss on this topic I really only have few questions. Why?
If you believe In evolution answer me, why did it happen? When scientists try to explain a process they are constantly asking why and how did this process occur. If a star goes supernova they try to explain the steps required for that to occur. When a phenomenon occurs in science they are looking for practical, realistic explanations for the occurrence. I have never heard an explanation in science that says “it just happened just because” except for the beginning of evolution. It happened by chance, just because.  If you come up with an explanation that comes from a particular field of science that only the utmost elite in that field can truly understand, then how can you question it?  How do you know if they’re correct? What if they made a mistake and they did not know it – who would find it, who could correct them, who would know they were wrong?
Let’s ask another question: if there is no God, what is morality and who defines it? What are the limits? Are there limits? Is there such a thing as right and wrong? Does anything we do matter? We will all live short, unimportant, pointless, purposeless lives. To me, a life without God is a painfully, empty, horrible, pointless exercise. If we came from nothing arrive at nothing the journey in between accomplishes nothing. If God does not exist? why are we even so interested in living; what would living mean?. “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” Would that not be the motto of existence? What would be the purpose of order, why would anyone care? Justice would be a meaningless concept because who would be the one to establish acceptable behavior and based on what premise? The concept of good and evil is based on the existence of God. Without God, there is no standard that can define good or evil. The concept would be as transient as the wind in the desert.
Having faced my mortality and realizing the brutal reality of life being as long as a yoctosecond (being the smallest measurement of time) of time. You see, life is lived in the here and now; in this moment, in this second, in this place and it is always that way; there is never a tomorrow.  We can plan for tomorrow, we have memories of yesterday, but we exist now. What makes God, “God”, is his ability to live in this expanse of time simultaneously, meaning he lives in every moment – past, present and future – at the same time. He exists outside of our reality. He is not bound by the physical laws that bind us. On this blog there is a picture of the world being in two hands; it is meant to symbolize that God has the world in his hands. However, that is incorrect; God has the entire universe in its place.
I have a fish tank. The fish are dependent on me to feed them water, clean their tank and so on. I own the fish. Or is it more correct to say we own each other. I have to give them of my time in order for them to survive. I am bound by their needs. If I don’t take care of them, they will die. Everything we own is that way; we need to invest time or whatever it is that is needed or it  will deteriorate and become useless.
We have a symbiotic existence with our possessions and relationships; we depend on them and they depend on us for meaningful purposeful existence. God is not that way; he will be just fine without us. He existed before we were created and he will exist after this world ceases to exist. He was before us and he will exist after us.
We have developed the idea since we were created by God in his image that he is somehow like us. We have placed around God the ideology that God is somehow bound by the same limitations as we are that he exists within the limits of our intellectual capabilities.
God created everything in time and space; he created the limits our existence. He is responsible for substance, he is the one that created everything we need to survive. So the only logical conclusion is that there is more in existence than we are aware of. In other words, he is bigger than his creation. He is not bound by our restrictions our intellectual limitations. He is so much bigger than we are in every area that we cannot begin to understand the fullness of God.


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