Friday, July 8, 2016

The Offer

Jesus said, “I have come to give you life and life more abundantly.” John 10:10
In a sentence He states the purpose of His life. He came to give us something we could not obtain on our own. He came to give us life.

Before Him my life consisted of monotonous, meaningless repetition. I remember as a young man looking through my living room window and asking God is this it?  Is this all there is, working, eating and sleeping?
I was twenty something when I asked that question. Now as I look back I realize God answered my question immediately. Shortly after I ask that question I became a Christian and my life began. You might expect me to say something like everything in life became wonderful. The truth is life, real life is not easy.

Though I became a Christian and became a new creature the only thing I knew was my old nature. My new nature was at war with my old nature and my life has never been the same. My new nature is a life filled with purpose, joy and expectation. The spirit of God in me is working to give me the abundant life Jesus speaks of. My new spirit was and is at war with the “spirit that comes to steal, kill and destroy.” John 10:10 This spiritual war within me played out in poor, disastrous decisions and actions that plagued my life.  I have walked through the valley of doubt and fear, of loneliness and abject disappointment. Through it all God has been there to pick me up and carry me when I could not walk.

The new life that Jesus is speaking of comes with a very big caveat. It will not coexist with the spirit of death which lived in me before I was born again. The spirit of God is selfish, unyielding and unrelenting. He demands to be the sole ruler of your life. He will not share His glory and position with anything. In return He will give you a life that is unattainable in any other way.

You can wake up every morning defeated or you can wake up everyday expectant of what the God of creation has for you this day.  Every morning is an opportunity to experience the wonder and majesty of God. Every day you get to choose a new experience with him. With the newness of each sunrise you can step into a new facet of God. In the bible it says “your mercies are new every morning.”  Lamentations 3:23

God is not the God who lived on the pages of an ancient manuscript He is the great “I am” (Exodus 3:14), the one who is constantly and forever present in this moment, always at this time.

We Christians are always asking God what am I called to do? The answer is the same for each of us it is to offer everyone what Jesus has provided you, an abundant life. 


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