Friday, July 28, 2017

One Day

Something to think about.

One Day

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10

Somewhere along the life of Christianity, we've allowed the devil to upstage this reality. I have lived the life the devil has to offer I have received the best he has, I know the lies he has perpetrated against us. It is better to enter into the kingdom God and be as far away from his presence as possible and still receive his glory. Than to be in the center of the devil's demise.  We've allowed the lies of the enemy to be sold as truth and accepted as desirable accomplishments. 

Our country our world is in the shape, it is in because we have allowed the lies of the enemy to be sold as truths.  There isn't anything the enemy has sold us that compares to being in the presence of God.  All the world's accomplishments combined can not equate to being in the presence of God.  not even for an instant.

God's presence is where you are fulfilled to overflowing. It is where you will find love, peace, joy, happiness. It is where you will be filled with the water of life, and you'll never be thirsty again. Today, now these things are available to those who choose Christ. You can have a meaningful, purposeful and joyous life now. You can have the love, security and the companionship of God now, here today. You can have everything that makes life worth living. You can experience the presence of God.

Then when we are in His permanent presence when He dwells with man. There will be no more war, famine, hate, disease. No more lack, hurt, loss, exclusion, rejection, loneliness or empty promises. You will have security, peace, love, and acceptance. You will be washed and cleansed from the filth of sin.  You will be given a new perfect body. You will share in His glory.

We need to turn the tide of evil and let the world know, God has a better way, a better life. Instead of selling the world the lies of the devil we need to give them the truth of the joy of living the life of Christ. It is better to live life in the love of Christ than to live the life of lust and lost without Christ. We have a much better life to live here and now and into eternity, Far better than anything the devil has ever offer. If we show the world what it is like to live one day in His courts, we will revolutionize the world. 


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