Thursday, February 22, 2018

Family of Faith

Something to think about.

Family of Faith.

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

As some of you know this is the mission statement of the Faith Business Alliance. The reason I choose this verse is that it best describes what I envision the Faith Business Alliance doing.  Helping all people but especially those of the family of Faith.  This has been a motivating verse in my life. It is the reason I do much of what I do in the church. As I think about this verse I ask myself what else can I do to fulfill the heart of this verse, what can I do to help those in the family of faith. 

I would like to see the church become or return to be more responsive time. A time when we were more interested in the needs of our brothers and sisters. I don't just mean those who are in immediate need but all of us. We need as a family to begin to share the wisdom and knowledge the Lord has blessed us with.

The Lord never intended for us to keep what he has taught us to ourselves. We have a spiritual responsibility to get involved in the lives of our brothers in sister in helping them to accomplish the dreams the Lord has placed in their hearts.

Who is better equipped to help them than we? Who can love them into the next level in their lives if not us? We need to overcome our fear of involvement in the lives of our families. Now I am not talking about being noisy or busybodies but advisers and mentors to those who are in need of our help both in the Lord and in business. We need to get involved in such a way as to positively impact the lives of others especially of those of the family of faith. 

The New Testament speaks of us as being parts of the same body.  We need to move from the allegorical into the actual and begin to understand that we need each other to accomplish what the Lord has placed in our hearts. We cannot continue and should not continue to look outside of the church for mentors and advisers that are not part of the family of God.  If we engage with other believers in every area of life would not the blessing of God flow from one to the other? I am not asking for something out of the ordinary we do these things with people outside the body of Christ on a consistent basis. I am saying let's begin to look inside the church and strengthen each other. As we strengthen ourselves, we will more effectively impact our society with the truth of Christ. 

10 As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10 

How can I help you? 


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