Tuesday, October 30, 2018
God is Not Going to Roll Over and Play Dead
Monday, October 8, 2018
No Middle ground.
Something to think about.
No Middle Ground
14 “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:14-15
So many of us live our lives in the middle ground. We want to be safe but not too safe. We want to be inconspicuous while being noticed. We want to be warm but a little cold. We want to be comfortable but always seeking comfort. We want to sin and be righteousness. We want to honor God and enjoy the pleasure of immorality. We want to define what is right and force God to accept it.
I as realist have always understood that we as a people live in this untenable and illogical lifestyle. Yet, I always hoped that we would come to our senses and return to God. I always believed that deep down inside everyone would come to the obvious truth of God. I recently realized I was wrong. Not everyone will choose God. Some having known God will knowingly reject Him. It is a concept the is unimaginable to me. I now understand people reject God not out of ignorance but out of choice, they believe they have a better way.
Joshua is asking a question that is as on time as any question being asked today. Whom will you serve? Will you serve the god of social justice, the god of female empowerment, the god of fiscal victory, the god of political right? Will you serve the god of nationalism, the god of science, the god of personal pleasure? The god of power? There are literally gods of all kinds asking us to serve them.
We are being inundated with so much information so fast we don't have time to digest it. Our lives are moving faster than ever, and we are being left behind. Only a few of us have the capacity to harness a small part of the information that is coming to us, and we turn those few into gods. Information is coming so fast we don't have time to question it. We don't have time to critically analyze it so we succumb to those that are gifted with charm or a strong will who can scream the loudest. The information the problems are coming so fast we can only run on a continual sprint to keep up. As a result, we have lost sight of God. He is but a blur just out of focus in our disintegrating society.
Though life is moving at a pace never before experienced the question Joshua is asking is still pertinent. Back in Joshua's day and today the same situation exists there is no middle ground. God does not live in the middle ground. The middle ground we have created and have become comfortable with does not exist. God is asking you this day, today, choose this day who you will serve. This really is not a question it is a command of choice. God has only given you two choices. Choose Him an live or reject him and die. Please do not think you can negotiate with Him about your righteousness or your worthiness to be accepted that argument has been had and decided. It will not be revisited.
The middle ground does not exist it is not safe. It will lead to your destruction. Choose this day who will serve; the choice is not optional.
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Something to think about.
14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. Philippians 3:14
One of the most famous inspiring verse in the entire Bible. Read in context this verse is about living through life's adversity and challenges to achieve the ultimate goal of living eternally with Jesus. I am not going to address this aspect of this verses. I want to talk about "the heavenly prize."
I want to look at the goal, the heavenly prize. What is the heavenly prize? More than anything else it is a destination. It is not a mystical ideology or expression. It is not a metaphor for what our end result should look like. It is the end result. It is a real place it is a physical reality. It is something we will be able to touch, feel, smell and taste. Ok, so what? It is a place it has substance it has specific boundaries. It is something we can actually feel and interact with. Again, so what?
This verse is not just about the struggle it is more about the destination. Without the destination, we struggle in vain. Without a clear result, why would you exert the effort? Our world right now is headed down an abyss of hopeless nothingness. Every move of society leads to where? No one is asking the question if we proceed on our present course what will it lead to. Every path society is pursuing leads to an end of nothingness, and we are hopeless to stop it. The only path that offers hope is the path that leads to "the heavenly prize."
I have to ask you do you have a destination for your life? If not, why not? We are famous for hearing and saying you can do anything you want. But no you can't. You can only do those things you define and have a destination. You have infinite choices, but you can only accomplish those things you can actually define. You are not going to become the leader in your industry or profession without somewhere along the line turning that dream into a destination.
So you have a dream, so what? You've heard all of your life you must have a dream and you have one so what? Let me exclaim this as clearly as possible no one has ever accomplished a dream. You reach a destination. You do not accomplish a dream. I had a dream of becoming a professional baseball player, I never became one. Not because I didn't have the tools, I did but because it was never a destination. It was a pie in the sky dream that had no, landing strip. It never moved from the dream stage to the destination stage. What would have happened had I made it a concrete destination?
What makes the destination so important is that it defines the course. Your dreams do not define the course that is why you can never accomplish a dream. The destination defines the course that turns the dream into reality.
"The heavenly prize" do you want it? You must make it a destination. The destination will determine the course. Then the dream becomes a reality.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
A Good Steward
Something to think about.
A Good Steward
10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10
The sermons I've heard concerning stewardship have always involved the proper use of money. It is almost as if that is the only thing that stewardship applies to, but look at context of this verse.
7 The end of all things is at hand; therefore be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. 8 Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. 9 Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:7-11
In this context, a reference to money is not made. It says "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. We are to use the gifts God has furnished us with as good stewards that God may be glorified. It says "as good stewards of God's varied grace". Gods varied grace, could this mean that the gifts we were given are varied?
You have to ask what gifts has God given me? What has God endowed you with and how are you a good steward of that gift? Are you a teacher, an administrator, a leader, How many varied gifts has God bestowed on you and are you being a good steward of what he has given you.
We invest a lot of time in our businesses in our professions in our passions but what about the gifts God has given you? What effort are you investing in your gifts? The strange then about your gifts is that your good at them without very much effort. For instance, I have the gift of writing. I don't possess good grammar or spelling skills, but yet it is almost effortless for me to sit and write. I've never had writer's block I feel there are more subjects I can write about than I will ever have time to complete. But the truth is I have never spent very much time honing that skill. Maybe it is because it is a gift and is easy for me that I have not invested the effort in becoming outstanding at it. But that confession in itself exposes my lack of stewardship in that area of my life. Here is the question, if I pay more attention, more time more effort into my writing what are the possible benefits to my life to my wife's life to my children's lives. What benefit would my writing it be to the lives of people I don't know.
If you start to think about your gifts and you become good stewards of your gifts how much more alive would you be? The bible speaks of gifts with an "S" but if you are not a good steward of the obvious gifts Gods given you do you think God will give you another gift?
Stewardship is a wonderful thing not only in the financial realm but in every area of your life. A good steward of life will live an outstanding life. Because it will lead you to that place where you will be glorifying God with the fruits of your stewardship. And God will bestow on your life other gifts which will bring Him glory and you joy.
Friday, September 14, 2018
Blessed is The Man
Something to think about.
Blessed is The Man
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. Psalms 1:1
Proverbs 15:22 (ASV) Where there is no counsel, purposes are disappointed; But in the multitude of counselors they are established.
In Psalms one, one it says do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly. In Proverbs, it says plan succeed with the input of counselors. So which is it do we have counselors or do we go it alone?
The difference lies not in the use of counselors but in the use of Godly verses ungodly counsel.
Psalms one is very simple don't get advice from sinners. Whatever they have to say as good as it may be will not come with the favor of God it comes at best with the wisdom of man. And we know that the wisdom of man does not compare with the favor of God.
Proverbs says, Where there is no counsel, purposes are disappointed. What he is saying is when you do it all on your own you are limiting yourself to what you can think. By yourself, you will lack the resources to accomplish that which you desire. There never has been anyone that has been able to accomplish anything without the help and counsel of others. If we think that we can do all on our own, we are fighting against the will and plan of God.
But in the multitude of counselors, they are established. The purposes are established. Look at what is it saying if you accept, and seek out Godly counsel your plans will be established. The verse uses the word "multitude" it means we are to use many counselors, but not at the same time. It means throughout our lives we must continually seek out wise counsel. Why must it be continual because we need different counselors throughout our lives? Because as we change in the stages of life, we need people who have already been there to help us navigate that stage in life. And so also with our businesses, we need to constantly be looking out for people who can help us as well as people who we can help.
Our primary desire when seeking out counsel should be a Godly source. We spend so much time in the secular world we sometimes end up "sitting in the seat of the scornful" without knowing it. We end up standing "in the way of sinners" before we realize where we are. We can get so caught up in the counsel of the wicked we begin to support and endorse their sin. If we choose to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, we will eventually become the one giving ungodly counsel while thinking we are standing for God. That is how evil has become good and good has become evil too many of us have decided to walk in the counsel of the wicked.
To be true to ourselves and to reach the highest of our potential we need to find people who not only like us and support us. But we also need to find those people who will help us to reach the next level in life and business that God has established for us. God never intended for us to live in isolation. He never wanted us to work alone, we were made created for the community with a need to help and to be helped. In our endeavors, we were created to walk hand in hand with our brothers and sisters. Sometimes together sometimes to give a hand up sometimes to take the hand up.
We have the favor of God, but the favor of God is not something we can hoard it is something that must be shared. The favor of God flows through the child of God for the child of God and ultimately for the glory of God. Another of those inestimable values of God dispensed to those call by His name.
Monday, September 3, 2018
In the Cool of the Day
Something to think about.
In the Cool of the Day
8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden. Genesis 3:8
This is the most idyllic of verse in the entire Bible. It creates for me a vision of walking along a cliff admiring the awesomeness of the open ocean with majestic mountains behind me and a comforting cooling breeze coming off the clear blue ocean water below. That's what I envision walking with God would be like. The beauty of both the ocean and the mountains. You may envision it just like it is described in this verse but I prefer to envision it my way. Why? Because that is my understanding of what perfection would be. Walking with God at any time in any place would be the definition of perfection.
The way it is written gives me the sense that this is not the first time they had walked with God. For me, it leaves me with the impression that they had done this various times before. Imagine walking with God. Talking to God as a man speaks to a man. We all desire to be here; walking with God speaking with God spending time with God. I know we have the Holy Spirit of God but to walk with God as Adam And Eve did. It is what we long for.
It only happened before sin came into the world. This is the last instance in the entire Bible where man walks with God as we might walk with a friend. Though walking with God is only mentioned once it must have been Adams and Eve's greatest regret losing that intimacy with their creator. Having known God face to face and then never seeing Him again what must that have been like?
The entirety of the Bible is designed to take all of us back to that place where we can for the first time take a walk with God. Its purpose is to restore us to a place of Holiness where we can walk with God in total Righteousness. As simplistic as it may sound God wants us all back in the garden. Back too a place where we can be with God cleaned of sin and restore to life in God. Getting back to the garden is such a simple thing to do.
We but have to accept what God has already done for us. Accept the price He paid for us. Accepting the sacrifice of His son for our return to the garden to spend some one on one time with God. I look forward to spending some time with my father. How about you? Do you long to spend some time with Him?
Friday, August 24, 2018
Something to think about
19 On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, "Peace be with you." 20 When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. 21 Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so, I am sending you." 22 and when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. John 20:19-22
The key to these verses is "As the Father has sent me, even so, I am sending you." God sent Jesus to be the savior of the world He gave Jesus authority over all things. Jesus was sent to heal physically, spiritually and mentally. He had the power to raise the dead He had the power to walk on water he could transport Himself at will. He could teach, He could identify evil and deal with it. He was fearless, He was all God.
What it means for the believer to be sent is that we have been empowered in the same way Jesus was empowered. We have the same ability that Jesus did. We have been sent with the Holy Spirit to achieve all that God has set in our hearts to accomplish. We have unlimited power within in us. We have been told over and over again that Christ lives in us. Have we really tapped into the power of God within us? Do we really trust God with every facet of our lives?
Are we willing to count on him for everything always? In your business are you turning over every area to Him? In your marriage have you trusted Him to lead your marriage to greater heights. Have we let go of the reins of control. Have we opened up our lives to the possibilities of God? Do we look into the unknown future knowing that our all-knowing, omniscient God is waiting for us to unleash him in our lives?
What did Jesus send us out with? He sent us out with His Holy Spirit to be with us every step of the way. He sent us out into the world, but He did not send us out alone. He sent us with the power of God within. The same Spirit that hovered over the formless earth. The same spirit that took part in creation. The same Spirit that has spoken through the prophets. The Holy Spirit that is alive and vital in the lives of the believers.
We have in us the power of the Spirit of God that is often untouched, underused, unnoticed. A power that is underutilized because we have been so attuned to the world that we turn to the Spirit of God as a last resort instead of a first choice. We behave at times as if the secular world has something to offer. When it does not compare to the beautiful blessings of God. It is a mental shift we need to make. We need to see God as the owner of all things, we need to see God as the rich, good God that he is. We need to accept the reality that God wants to give you all of the blessings He has prepared for you. And the only way to receive these blessings is to acknowledge Him in all the things we do. We must live a life of full expectation of God. In other words, we should believe and receive the blessings of God. We must be ready to accept what He has promised us with an expectation of His willingness and total capability of fulling his desired blessing for us.
God is the God of abundance, not the miser God He never intended to give you just enough. He wants to give you all you can handle. But if you do not have a relationship an intimate relationship with Him how can He bless you. No stranger will continually bless you. If you are continually blessed by someone, that someone will quickly become a personal friend.
God has sent you and me with the same power He sent Jesus. God has sent us to heal the sick mend the brokenhearted and to set the captives free. Only we the children of God have access to the Spirit of God, this the world has no idea, no access, no privilege, no favor. I implore you to remove everything in your life that is hindering the voice and spirit of God in your life and go out and change the world.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
The Power of a Mustard Seed
Something to think about.
The Power of a Mustard Seed
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Matthew 17:20 (KJV)
The size of a mustard seed. The sermons I have heard on this passage of scripture have always focused on our faith and the size of our faith. I would like to focus on the mustard seed.
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A Mustard Seed |
Jesus said, "and nothing shall be impossible unto you." He did not qualify that statement by saying or eluding to an increase of faith. He was still referring to a " faith as a grain of mustard seed." I am trying to illustrate the power of faith not the size of the mustard seed or the size of your faith. Jesus is saying if you have the smallest of faith you can do incredible things. The question, then is, do you have faith?
Look at the last part of Romans 12:3 Paul is speaking to Christians.
Faith is not something that is acquired by action it is granted by God through grace. In other words, if you are a child of God you possess the mustard seed. This is both exhilarating and daunting. It is exhilarating, exciting and liberating to know that within me is faith to move mountains. It is sobering to realize I have done so little with it.
You must understand faith is static it does not grow it does not increase it is not acquired. It can only be exercised. By that I mean your faith does not increase, by applying your faith you begin to unleash its power. The full potential of faith has always been in you the " faith as a grain of mustard seed" was sufficient to "move mountains" sufficient to do the impossible. This Faith that was given to you was complete when you received it whether you know it or not. The exercise of faith does not bring you more faith it brings forth what has always existed within you.
The level of your faith has nothing to do with the power of the mustard seed. The power contained in the mustard seed is the power of God to change all things for His purposes through you. We have been given the right the authority and the responsibility to use the power of the mustard seed to fulfill His calling in our lives.
The mustard seed is not about faith it is about power. You already have faith will you exercise the power within your faith.
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Sunday, July 22, 2018
What We Do Not See
What We Do Not See
1 Corinthians 13:12
It is amazing how we accept suppositions with the knowledge that we lack pertinent information. We make assumptions about God without knowing Him fully. Other than Jesus there is no one that knows God. We don't know the rules of his existence if there are any. We cannot understand His limitless power because we can only thrive where power is defined. We can't understand an ever existing being because we are finite. We can't comprehend an ever-present God because we can only be in one place at a time. We can't understand unconditional love because we express love conditionally. Our present reality confines and inhibits us from seeing the fullness of God.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
The Anthem of The Lost
Something to think a about.
The Anthem of The Lost
And I will say to my soul, "Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry."' 20 But God said to him, 'Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?' Luke 12:19-20
This so thoroughly describes the mindset of modern America. We are directed, persuaded, and encouraged to obtain an education. With this education, we can then acquire sufficient wealth to allow us to eat drink and be merry in our later years.
God says to all of this you Fool!!!!!!
He is not raging against proper planning for future events. He is saying without Him all of your future planning will lead to naught. He is saying there is so much more to our existence. Do you want to waste your life with the worthless goal of attainment, constant entertainment, and temporal pleasure?
We have an eternity to live. God is saying wake up, this is not all there is. There is an entire universe of adventure, knowledge, and pleasure on the other side of the door of this life. You can attain wealth and all of your dreams, and still, you will die. All of your accomplishments will end up belonging to someone else. After eating drinking and being merry, you will still have to stand before God and give account.
Living life as if this is it, is foolishness. If you have been sucked into "this is it" worldview I pity you. I can't fathom a life where we are all there is. Where humanity is the pinnacle of existence. We are slowly self-destructing and maybe not so slowly. If I look at the world and see the only hope being the combined intelligence of man it makes me cringe. Humanity throughout its existence has repeated the same sin. We have never learned and worse than that we have not changed. We are still trying to become God. Some of us actually believe we are the solutions to the problems we don't understand.
Our lack of ability to see every repercussion of every solution has within it the seeds of the next problem. Because we can't know every effect of our actions, our action as well-intentioned as they may be will always lead to another problem. Even those who appear to have it all, have problems. They have challenges and failures and regrets and pain. Appearances are but a facade covering the pain within.
Without God, the hopelessness of human supremacy will not bring peace, but ultimately it will bring despair. We were not designed to live independently from God. We were never intended to be the pinnacle of existence. We were not given the ability to resolve all of the world's problems. We were created to be dependent and in a relationship with God. God the pinnacle of existence can resolve all of humanity's problems. We were designed and intended to be His.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
This time
Something to think about.
This Time
Esther 4:14 New International Version (NIV)
14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
The story of Esther is about being placed at a particular time in the history of Israel to deliver them from there enemies. It is a fascinating story. But what is the application to our lives?
In my lifetime in my country (USA) there have been significant changes. Abortion which was once a crime is now claimed as a right. Drugs which were once illegal have become legal. Virtually any sexual relationship being accepted as moral. Marriage has been stripped of its intended definition. The list goes on and on.
We are living in this age.
Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
It appears we are living out this verse. Our society is being turned upside down. One of the causes of this is we Christians bought into the ideology that separation of church and state meant we are to keep every vestige of Christian life out of public life. We bought into the idea that God should be kept out of public life. Then we allowed the secularist to dictate to us when and how we should express our beliefs, and by doing so, we have ushered in the apostasy we are experiencing in every area of public life.
For such a time as this, is why we are here. God chose to bring every one of us into this world at this time because he has specifically empowered us to take a stand against those who want to destroy and silence Christ. We are the people God has chosen to be the soldiers who stand against the assaults of the enemy. If not us who? If not now when? We may be the final generations that can still change the course of the United States. It is up to us, not our children not the next generation or the one after that. It is now. It is here that we must make our stand. Just like Esther who had to put her life on the line to save her people, Israel, we are being to ask to put our lives on the line to save America.
I don't see anyone on the horizon that will be able to take this charge if we don't. Unlike Israel who may have had another deliverer if Esther failed. I don't see salvation coming from any other place for this country at this time. I don't see anyone coming to release the captives, to set free those in bondage, to bring light to the darkness. There isn't anything on the horizon that shows the promise of redeeming this country back to God.
We are Esther we are the hope of America. We must stand up and take our place in the army of God, doing what we were designed and created to do. We were designed and created to show the world who God is.
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Saturday, June 23, 2018
The Essence of Christanity
Something to think about.
The Essence of Christianity
We visited family who still lives there. We visited the Freedom Tower went up to the observation deck took some beautiful pictures of the city. On Sunday we went to Hillsong Church.
It occurred to me while I was in the Manhattan Center where Hillsong is currently holding their services that New York does not have a true mega church. The Manhattan Center's capacity depending on configuration will hold 3500 people. When we visited, it was near capacity. Hillsong New York has several services on Sunday, so the Sunday attendance is in the thousands. Yet I say there is not a true megachurch in New York City. Why do I say that? The population of New York is 8 million plus. A few thousand is not a significant number compared to the total population. It was during the service with a couple thousand people in the church I was visiting that I realized the disparity of believers as compared to the rest of the population.
It all resulted in this question, how do we Christians reach the lost of the world. The answer is apparent. The answer is in John 3:16, Matthew 22:36-40 and 1 Corinthians 13:13.
The way to change the world does not come through political action, not through the struggle against immorality or unrighteousness it comes through love. A positive progressive movement will only come about when the passion of God's Love is unleashed through us that belong to him. If you want to see a change in this generation at this time, it will only come through love. From the spirit of love, from the God who is love, will all benevolent action spring. We must show the world the motivation for the crucifixion. The motivation is love, not law. If we love our neighbor with the love of God, they will come to learn and love the law of God. Law without love is bondage. Love provides the liberty to obey the law. It must first be love. Always Love.
The essence of Christianity is Love when we deviate from it we are lost.
Thursday, June 7, 2018
The Value of God
Something to think about.
Something of Value
1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
What is the value of God? I have never heard that question before. What is God worth? We make value judgments regularly. Ironic, a question that is never asked is consistently answered by our choices. We place a value on God by our expressions and behavior. How we value God is as apparent as the air we breathe.
So let us discuss the value of God. Since I can only discuss the value of God from my perspective, let me share my vision of God. First, my God is perfect. Which means there is no flaw in Him. Which means he never arrived at perfection because that would mean that at some time or place in His existence he was imperfect which would then make him less than perfect. To be perfect implies that His existence, which lies beyond my comprehension has always been perfect. Which also indicates He will always be perfect. Secondly, my God exists outside the constraints of matter, time and space. He lives or exists outside our little bubble of existence. Thirdly, He is all-powerful, which is not a statement of power as much as it is a statement of our lack of understanding of what His power is. My God is all-knowing which by definition means He is always existent. He is present in every situation passed, present and future at the same time and is involved in every situation at all times. My God is all-knowing, which means He knows things we do not. Which means whatever conclusions we come up with that are contrary to His nature are wrong. Regardless of the titles, degrees, and accomplishments of the one saying otherwise. My God is the final authority there is nothing that can oppose his judgments. In every area, God is higher, bigger, stronger wiser than anything man can come up with. He is bigger and more powerful than all of humanity combined. God is the ruler of this existence.
This is the God that created the world. He created the world solely for the purpose of communing with man. He did not do for our intellect, our resourcefulness, our strength, our beauty or our adoration of Him. He did it because he loved us.
He created everything we need to live from the environment to food, to shelter, to companionship to intellect. God is beyond what our feeble minds can comprehend. He will ultimately make the final decision on our existence. His sovereignty is completed without the possibility of contention.
When He breathed into Adam, He shared a part of His immortal existence with us. We are alive because of His spirit of life which He breathed into Adam. That same breath has ignited the life of every human being since the creation of Adam.
He created it all, everything. How do you or I place a value on the being that brought everything into existence? Yet we do. We do it in a variety of ways by ignoring Him by denying Him by claiming we are self-created. We can also define His value by our adoration of Him our recognition of Him our submission to Him. By loving Him by obedience and by repentance. Realistically we cannot put a value on God because we do not know Him fully. We can't put a value on Him because He is priceless. He is worth more than anything in existence because He created everything in existence including you. Though we do not know Him fully, we know enough to recognize and grant Him the honor, obedience, reverence, and love he is entitled to. Without fully knowing Him, He is at the pinnacle of value. He is to be glorified for what He has already done. He need not do anymore, and still, His value would not be diminished. Recognized or not His value is not dependent on humanity. He is priceless and of undefinable value whether or not we acknowledge Him.
Just because we can't put a definitive value on God is not a reason to dismiss Him. Or deny His value in our lives this moment, today. He is our savior. He is the Alpha and Omega, He is what sustains us and gives us life. We exist because of His conscious decision for us to live. His value is expressed in our existence. God is responsible for your existence. Everything you need to live to exist and flourish was made by God long before you came to be. The furthest planet the biggest star the unknown of outer and inner space was created so you could exist. He expended unimaginable power wisdom and creativity just so you could live. His value supersedes everything we hold dear. The value of God is that He exists throughout, before and after time.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
First Love
Something to think about.
First Love
2 “‘I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. 3 I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name's sake, and you have not grown weary. 4 But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Revelations 2:2-4
Have we become so busy in the doing that we have lost the reason for the doing? We have become too distracted in the doing of Christianity to even notice we have drifted from the cause of our doing. There are too many of us pointing out the shortcomings of others like us. Some of us are consumed with correcting the lot of us. We nick pick the leader, we question their motivations we condemn their methods. We demand perfect righteousness.
We should question our leaders and are ourselves against the standard of Christ. We should put Christ at the head of all we do and use what He taught us a standard of behavior and morality. All of this should be employed; this is what the church in Ephesus was doing. But even after doing all of this Christ says to them I have "this" against you. "You have abandoned the love you had at first." We need to stop nick picking each other on obscure or even flagrant disagreements in theology. We need to return to the reason we stay in the body of Christ. Why we identify with Christ. The reason is a love relationship. "The greatest of these is love" the bible does say. It is through love that we understand who God is. It is love that explains and validates the word of God. It is love that is the fuel, the passion of God. It is the motivation for the sacrifice of His Son.
If we focus on the cause of our conviction, it will purify our actions. If love permeates our thoughts and actions, we will be righteous. There is no sin in love there is no injustice in love there is no selflessness in love. God prefers we become experts in love rather than in theology, doctrine, and righteousness.
Let this not overwhelm you, you are not to love the world. Love, those around you, love those God has put in your life for this season for this time. Love those whom you can. If everyone loved those around them, then everyone would be loved.
Let God be your first love, let Him be the receiver of your love. In this relationship with Him, you will find the love you need for yourself and all others. Love comes from God not from us. To receive the most from God you need to first love Him. We need to keep Gods love in the forefront of our minds. What is the greatest commandment? Love the Lord your God with all of your heart soul and mind, and the second Love your neighbor as your self.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Something to think about.
48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect. Mathew 5:48
Was Matthew in his right mind when he made this statement? I have read this verse many times and have blown right by it because the implications are mind-boggling.
God is perfect, a concept that is as foreign to us as understanding the life of an ever existing being. To me, perfection is something that has always been perfect because perfection cannot come from imperfection. Because if it came from imperfection, it would then be imperfect. It would mean that at some point in the perfections existence it was imperfect. Regardless of the time spent removing imperfection from the would be perfection there would always be the smallest part of imperfection and as such perfection would forever be tainted by the one instance of imperfection.
Let's define imperfection as sin. God is perfect and has never sinned. Throughout His existence, He has not ever sinned not once, not by mistake, not unintentionally not by omission. Nope never ever sinned. If the smallest of sin were to penetrate into Gods existence all of the perfection would be lost forever. One sin one tiny insignificant sin would destroy perfection. Perfection and sin can't coexist perfection must always destroy sin.
When I was in the Airforce, I work on aircraft fuel systems. This required climbing into aircraft fuel tanks. This process required purging fuel tanks of fumes. We purge them until they were at an acceptable level, expressed in parts per million. The acceptable level was not perfectly clean air. If you applied parts per million to perfection, you would realize perfection does not allow for parts per million. As soon as you let the smallest sin into perfection, it would cease to perfect.
The question is how does sinful man gain approved access to the realm of God? The answer is the complete and total cleaning of sinful man. The problem is how does man become perfect so he can enter into the presence of God? Perfection implies everything around God, everything in His presence must be perfect. He is perfect in Holiness, righteousness, love, power, and justice. Since God is perfect, He and only He is responsible for maintaining perfection. He is responsible for eradicating sin as to make it as it never occurred. The destruction and cleaning of sin is so complete that even the memory of it does not exist.
God's perfection does two things. First, it invalidates the ideology of attaining access to God through works or earning your way into His presence. Since He is perfect and everything around Him must be perfect even the memory of your sin must not exit. Since you cannot remove your sin and you can not clean your sin. You at best can only dilute it your work is worthless. The stain of sin any wrongdoing will always destroy perfection. That is something God will not allow.
The second thing God's perfection does is it creates a wall of impenetrable separation between God and man. We can't cross over into His realm of existence, and He will not cross over into ours. If we were to enter into His realm as we are or He to enter ours, the result would be the total annihilation of humanity. The eradication of humanity would be so complete it would not leave a trace of evidence, a memory of our existence. You must understand God's perfection requires perfection nothing less.
If you understand, only perfection can completely clean and destroy sin. It is Gods responsibility to clean and destroy sin. If you comprehend only a perfect God can accomplish these things, you begin to understand the need for a Christ. Only perfection can clean sin. Only perfection can remove every vestige of sin only perfection can remove the memory of sin. In the simplest terms, it is God and only God that can purify us from our sin and grant us access to Him.
This is why Jesus. Because only perfection can clean the sin of humanity. A perfect sacrifice for our sin. The sacrifice and death of His son occurred for the destruction and cleansing of sin. That is the only way sin will not destroy us. Without a perfect sacrifice, we would be left alone to face a perfect God with the responsibility of maintaining perfection. That is why Jesus is the way the truth and the light. Because only through perfection can we gain access to heaven and that perfection in every way is Jesus, the door to our salvation.
We are not filtered through Jesus because every filter only collects dirt it does not cleanse anything. The filter must always be disposed of and changed. Because the perfection of Jesus, we are made new, a new creation free from the stain of sin we are made Holy and acceptable to God. The perfection of Christ destroys and cleanses us from all sin. Only God Himself can completely and totally, remove, destroy and cleanse us of our sin.
Since perfection can't come from imperfection, imperfection cannot produce perfection. Our sin nature regardless of what we do within our own abilities can't eradicate the sin in our lives. Simply put sin can't make you sinless. Only a perfect God can eliminate sin entirely so as to remove even the instance of sin.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Faith and Works
Something to think about.
Faith and Works
There is a profound theological principle in this verse. It is the juxtaposition of work and faith. Work and faith can you have one without the other?
When I was in the hospital, and the doctor told my wife "I am going to do everything I can to help him." What he was saying was I will do all I can do, all that I have been trained to do but the outcome is not in my hands. He was promising to do the work, but where was the faith?
Faith does not remove obstacles it motivates us to find solutions to the problems which hinder us. Faith is not a belief system it is the fire which fuels the engine of what we believe in. The belief that we can accomplish the dream, goal, purpose we are striving for without knowing the outcome.
Thursday, April 19, 2018
All things work together
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Love thy neighbor
Thursday, April 5, 2018
The Greatest
The Greatest
Matthew 22:36-37 ESV
Loving God provides us with the most beneficial existence available to man. By loving God, we receive acceptance, love, security, freedom. Our eyes are opened to realities and blessing that do not exist for blind humanity. We are set free from hopelessness and emptiness, we are adopted into the family of God we are recipients of all that God has made available to us. Our future in this life and the one that is to come is blessed for all eternity. Loving God sets us apart and allows us to enter into places only the family of God is invited to. We receive forgiveness. We are restored to our original intended existence. The benefits of loving God of obeying his commandments are that we are bestowed with all the beautiful blessings that are available to His children. It adds everything to us and nothing to God, but it is the greatest commandment because it allows God to bless us going out and coming in. Loving God is not about what we give Him. It opens the door to us receiving the fullness of his blessing.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
The Rock
Psalms 89:26