Monday, November 27, 2017

Gray Hair

Something to think about.

Grey Hair

They shall still bear fruit in old age;
They shall be fresh and flourishing,
15 To declare that the Lord is upright;
He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. Psalms 92:14-15

Have we the older generation abdicated our responsibility to succeeding generations? Have we allowed ourselves to be silenced by the supposed wisdom of youth? I understand technology is far outpacing our desire to learn new mechanics. We have no interest in learning about the latest new craze. We have no interest in the new methods of communication. We would prefer if life were as it was when we where children. We are astonished as is everyone else with the rapid pace of technical achievements. We are amazed at all of the discoveries that are being made in many fields. The world is moving at such a fast pace it is difficult to keep up.

There is an old saying; the more things change, the more they stay the same.  For all of the dazzling advance for all of the new modern ways. Humanity still remains the same. We have to eat, sleep, work, live and die. The rest of it, all of the excitement and accomplishments are still subservient to our basic needs. The need for purpose, meaning, and love are at the center of our existence. People are still asking why am I  here what is my purpose? Is this all there is?  These are not new questions. The answers have not changed throughout the history of man.  We are still asking.

The wisdom of our old age points to one thing a God who loves us. Who is just, righteous and everlasting. Any other answer leads to the emptiness of nothingness and the epitome of hopelessness. Without God there is no purpose there is no meaning there is no such thing as love. Without God we are but animals existing meaningless lives with the sole purpose of eating, sleeping, dying. Without God, you will not be even a grain of sand in the eons of time that the universe will exist. The memory of you will not exist. Your existence will never be recorded anywhere. It will be as if you never lived.

Technology will never be able to answer. Where did we come from? It will never provide you with purpose; it will never fulfill your soul, it will never love you. But God of creation will and does love you. He gives meaning to your life and defines a purpose for your immediate and eternal existence.

Our value and purpose as we get older may not be in technology and science it is in teaching and leading the next generation to the everlasting loving just God of Creation.


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