Monday, October 31, 2016

The Chosen

The Chosen

As a Christian and in the interest of civility I have restrained myself from commenting publicly about the upcoming election, but I cannot any longer. I am writing to Christians, because the secular world will not comprehend what I am writing about.  The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. Corinthians 2:14 (ESV)

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.”( Genesis 2:7) I don't know how many of you appreciate the significance of this verse. God formed man from the dust of the earth. Man is not alive after he is formed. He is laying, I suppose on the ground in a lifeless body. Do you realize every other creature on the earth was spoken into existence, but not man! God breathed the breath of life into man. The essence of man's existence is not his wonderfully made body. The spark that began life was the very spirit of God that He “God” breathed into man. God did not speak man into existence. He formed him with His own hands and breathed His life into man.

There was, and I suppose there still is, within some circles an argument about when life begins. God answered that question in Genesis 2:7. Life began when God breathed life into Adam. The practical means by which life is propagated on this earth is the blessing God has allowed us to experience through the birth of a child. But make no mistake; life began when God breathed into the lifeless, perfectly designed body of Adam. The amazing reality of this breath of life is, it never dies. The breath of God that he breathed into Adam is part of the essence of God and therefore will never cease to exist. Humanity does not continue to exist because of sexual copulation. Humanity continues to exist because the spirit that was breathed into Adam is the eternal spirit of God. All of humanity exists because of the living breath of God, the Spirit of God sustains humanity.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.  John 1:1-3 John says all things were created through Him and without Him nothing can exist. That unborn child is not something that can be created without Christ.

What does God say about the beginning of life?

5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb.
    Before you were born I set you apart
    and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 (NLT)

The only way God could have selected Jeremiah before he was born was if He already knew everyone else. You cannot make a selection without having others to select from.  And, if He knows everyone before they are born, it must be He knew us before we were born. 

 David says:
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14 (NIV)
David is talking about How God made Him. He is not just talking about himself because we are all made the same way we are all “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Look at what Job says:   
The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. Job 33:4

Job understands that the breath of life that was breathed into Adam now gives him life. Job was not brought into existence directly from God as Adam was.

Jeremiah, speaking on God's behalf said: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you;“I Appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Jeremiah 1:5 (ESV)

God is no respecter of persons. If He formed Jeremiah in the womb and He knew him before he was born, God knows every unborn child, and God has chosen each one of them to receive the same breath and spirit He gave Adam.

    The standard, the call of defiance is women have a right to chose. That is a lie! God chooses that woman to have that child. Regardless of the condition, socioeconomic, poor, or rich and everything in between God has chosen to give that child His breath of life. No one, no woman or man, has the right, authority or moral superiority to tell God He made the wrong choice.
The choice of life was made by God long before the creation of the world. He knew, and He knows the condition of all humanity, and he has predetermined, pre-chosen to give life to every unborn child in the world.

Who are you Hillary Clinton to decide that the creator of the world was wrong and to condemn His chosen ones to death? Who will we be if we chose to side with her? Will we stand with her in defiance of the choice of God? If we do so, we are openly sacrificing our children on the altar of self. We are no better than those who in the past sacrificed their children to wood and metal gods. The one and only God has been replaced by the god of self. We have determined that we have the right to exterminate life on the basis of our own selfish desire.

If you are a Christian and believe in the biblical narrative, how do you justify the unrelenting genocide we are committing against the unborn. Consider this for a moment. What happens to the spirit of the unborn child? That same eternal spirit that is in you exists in that unborn child. The breath, yea, the Spirit of God that gives life has been discarded as a piece of trash by an ideology of selfishness.
And just as it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment, (Hebrews 9:27 ESV) Christians, we will all stand before God on the day of judgment. What will you say when God asks you what did you do when America was killing my children? I voted for Hillary!!! Will that be your answer? This election is not about economics. It is not about an ignorant buffoon. It is not about foreign policy. It is not about free education. All of these issues will continue to be debated and addressed throughout the existence of the United States. This election is about the continued sanctioned murder of the unborn.

You might try to say I never supported abortion but I can not stomach Trump and all he stands for. All he stands for can be fixed. The dead unborn child can't be fixed. Don't be a fool! Do not be misguided! God will not allow us to prosper if we as a nation continue to defy Him. The continued unjustified assault on His life will not go unpunished. We will reap the rewards of spiritual adultery. God will judge us not only on judgment day, but also today. We are powerless to prevent His judgment against this nation and on us as individuals. 

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV)

God is talking to you, not to the rest of the world. He is talking to all who believe they are His people. This is our responsibility.



Leia Mais…

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Something to think about.

The Power of God

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.”
Romans 1:16 ESV

The gospel is the only thing that offers salvation to man. It is all inclusive; it is available to everyone. It is straightforward and complete.  Jesus was crucified so that you might live. Focus on this, learn what this means; so that you may receive the life that has been purchased for you.

Leia Mais…

Friday, October 28, 2016

What We Would Like to Forget

Something to think about.

What we would like to forget

2 The Lord is a jealous and avenging God;
the Lord is avenging and wrathful;
the Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries
and keeps wrath for his enemies.
3 The Lord is slow to anger and great in power,
and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty. Nahum 1;2-3

We hear very little of the wrath of God anymore, it is almost forgotten. However, it is real it is all consuming, and it is coming.  Those that reject Christ will not be forgiven; their future is horrible and unavoidable.
The wrath of God is part of the truth of God we should not forget it, or push it to the furthest reaches of our minds. The wrath of God is going to be dispensed on people we love if we love them should we not warn them?

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Prize

Something to think about.

The Prize

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 3:13-14 NIV

We like to quote this scripture, for reasons of inspiration, motivation, and self-assuredness in the righteousness of our work.  But I ask you do you even know what the prize is? It is not salvation, salvation can not be earned, It is not righteousness as "our righteous acts are like filthy rags" it not justification as we are "justified by faith." 

What is it then, what is the prize? The prize is fulfilling the purpose that God created you for. The prize is fulfilling the call of a servant. The prize is hearing God say to you in person well done "good and faithful servant." To be a servant of God, you must forget all of your past, your hurts, victories disappointments, and successes. You must change the paradigm of your life and press forward in the work the Lord has prepared you for. So you can look forward to the prize of  "well done good and faithful servant."   

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Self Destruction

Something to think about.

Self Destruction 

“Thus says the Lord: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart turns away from the Lord.”
Jeremiah 17:5 ESV

We as a nation have become this man, we have replaced "in God we trust"  with our own rights of self-determination. We have said in our hearts I am the master of my domain. We have turned our hearts away from God and substituted Him with an image of ourselves. We glory in out strength and intellect; we have gloried in our accomplishments. We have placed ourselves before God, and we are cursed.

Leia Mais…

Monday, October 24, 2016


Something to think about.


 “If I say, "I will not mention him, or speak any more in his name," there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot.”
Jeremiah 20:9 ESV

Jeremiah is describing the Holy Spirit in you.  The spirit of God in you, you can not nor do you desire to contain.  The Holy Spirit in you rises with a voice that will not be silenced. This voice in you changes everything; this is the spirit that is born in you when Jesus said you must be born again.   Allow the Spirit of God to rise in you and direct you and empower you to accomplish the purpose He has created you for.

Leia Mais…

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Something to think about.

21 For the shepherds are stupid
and do not inquire of the Lord;
therefore they have not prospered,
and all their flock is scattered. Jeremiah 10:21

 Yes, that is actually in the bible.

The present state of national leadership, presidential, senatorial and congressional is stupid. They are ignoring the word of God, if they know it, and expected that their education and intellect would suffice to bring prosperity and unity to our land. As we journey farther from the word of God, we move further from prosperity, and our divisiveness will continue to escalate. Because the wisdom of man is insufficient to tackle the problems of man. We need God.

Leia Mais…

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Fruit You Deserve

Something to think about.

The Fruit You Deserve

“"I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds."”
Jeremiah 17:10 ESV

Is this a verse you claim for your life or is it a verse you fear? Do you look forward to the fulfillment of this verse or hope that it never comes to fruition. Are you living a life that will allow you to receive the best fruits for your life or are you living a life that will only produce sorrowful fruit?

Interesting questions, but the truth is without Christ we will receive the fruit we deserve. With Christ, we will receive the forgiveness and restoration provided by His life, death, and resurrection.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lord of All Nations

Something to think about. 

Lord of All Nations

1 Praise the Lord, all nations!
Extol him, all peoples!
2 For great is his steadfast love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord! Psalms 117:1-2

The psalmist instructs us to praise the God of all nation. He tells us that the Lords love is steadfast and His faithfulness endures forever. 

We live in perilous times evil abounds in our homes, corporately and nationally.  Could this be a result of lack of praise? Will God acknowledge the prayers of people who will not acknowledge Him, that will not praise him? We have replaced the praise of God with the praise of man. We praise our athletes, actors, scholars, politicians and our pastors and we have reaped the consequences of such praise.  If we are to prosper as a family, nation, country or world, we need to turn to the God of creation and give Him the praise He deserves.

1 Praise the Lord, all nations!
Extol him, all peoples!

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Salvation, Justification, Reconciliation

Something to think about.

Salvation, Justification, Reconciliation 

Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. 10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. 11 More than that, we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation. Romans 5:9-11 

We have been saved and spared from the wrath of God by the atoning death of Christ. We are justified by the shedding of His blood. The only possible reconciliation with God was made possible for us by the death of Christ, even while we were still in our sin. Because of His death, we have salvation. Christ sacrifice gives us reason to rejoice in what He has done on our behalf; we have been saved, justified, reconciled, and reclaimed by God our creator.

Leia Mais…

Monday, October 17, 2016


Something to think about.


As for God, his way is perfect: The LORDʼs word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
Psalm 18:30 NIV

Take refuge in the Lord, accept His flawless word, and it will lead you to His perfect way.  The problem with this is we regularly depend on our word and in our way. Then when we do not arrive in His perfect "way," we wonder why. 

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Something to think about.


Commit your work to the Lord,
   and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

"Commit your work to the Lord," doesn't mean to inform God of your plans, so that He can bless them. It does not refer to a partnership between you and God. It means to take all of your plans in every area of your life and give them to God. It means giving all of your hopes, dreams, ambitions, worries, and problems, your very life to Him. Because He is greater and He can bring to fruition all good things in your life. 

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

It Is Not a Sunday Thing

Something to think about.

It Is Not a Sunday Thing

11 Seek the Lord and his strength;
   seek his presence continually! 1 Chronicles 16:11 (ESV)

What would it be like if we were in constant communion with God? Do you realize God is alive? Every living thing interacts with its environment when you’re in the presence of God His presence will interact with you. It can’t be helped. 

Leia Mais…

Monday, October 10, 2016

After All Is Said and Done

Something to think about.

After All Is Said and Done

13 The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13 (ESV)

After everything's said and done, when we come to the end of our lives, when we bring to accountant all we have done, the only aspect that will matter is our relationship with God. Will you come to the end of your life and find you neglected the most important thing. The goal, the purpose of your life, the reason you exist is to know God.

Leia Mais…

Friday, October 7, 2016


Something to think about.


1 Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; 2 but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God,and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear. Isaiah 59:12

There are a plethora of people who say God no longer speaks to His people. Some people can't understand why it is that they feel God does not hear them.  Others believe God is no longer interested in humanity. Could it be that their sin has created an impenetrable wall of separation that prevents them from approaching, hear or seeing God? If you want to hear God, experience God, commune with God repentance is required. God can not hear sinners, for their sins drown out their voices.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Faithful And Sure

Something to think about.

Faithful And Sure

O Lord, you are my God;
   I will exalt you; I will praise your name,
for you have done wonderful things,
   plans formed of old, faithful and sure. Isaiah 25:1

God has done wonderful things today! We need to appreciate and acknowledge our living God that blesses us daily.  We need to praise Him for what He does today and what He has done in the past. The plans that he instituted before the creation of man will come to fruition in His time there is nothing that can stop them. 

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Better or Worse

Something to think about.

Better or Worse

And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? 3 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Luke 13:2-3

If you are Clinton or Trump, known or unknown, proud sinner or self-proclaimed saint if you don’t repent you will perish. Perish does not mean you will cease to exist; that would be a blessing. Perish means you will live apart from the forgiveness, wonder, glory, majesty, justice, love, peace, joy, holiness and righteousness of God. You will live apart from God in uncontrolled chaos and unbridled unrighteousness, without the mercy of God. You will be condemned to know of God but denied any of His glorious gifts. 

Leia Mais…

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Something to think about.


And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. 10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:9-10

Verse nine is quoted often in an attempt to encourage us in our times of troubles. It is about doing good, pressing on until you receive the victory of good, hard, and  persistent work. In verse ten is the reason for the blessing of persistence; it is so we can be a blessing to others. We have completed deleted the end of verse ten. We read “do good to everyone” and the verse ends. We Christians need to look at the end of verse ten and amplify as much as possible. We are to especially bless those of the family of God. What would happen to the church, to the family of God if we would take every opportunity to help every brother or sister with the blessing we have received. I am specifically not speaking about money. I am talking about caring and, sharing the wisdom God has given you. Money follows wisdom. Wisdom does not follow money.

Leia Mais…

Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Light

Something to think about.

The Light

6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.John 1:6

John heralded the coming of Jesus as the Christ. Today some two thousand years later he is still doing the same thing. He is still proclaiming the truth of Christ. Only he is not alone; we stand alongside John witnessing and testifying about the Savior of the world. We the brothers and sisters of Christ, the adopted sons and daughters of God, are the light of the world. It is the life of Christ in us that allows us to shine, lighting the way to salvation which is Jesus.

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