Saturday, September 23, 2017


Something to think about.


“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 NKJV

James makes an astonishing statement. In elegant simplicity, he provides us with amazing power. He tells us to submit to God, then resist the devil and the devil will flee. There are no big words here. No need for deep spiritual interpretation. Nothing that can be confused. The issue with this verse is not what it says but implementing what it says. Yet, if we do what it says most if not all of our lives will be lived in constant victory. Are we making life much more difficult than it has to be?

The problem with the implementation is not in resistance it is in the submission. We don't want to submit. We want to do it our way. We want to change the laws of God and supplant them with our own. If we are resistant to anything it is not to the devil, it is to God. Our country, states, cities, and municipalities are in open rebellion against God. Every arena of public life has been reduced to an anti-God environment. You can't pray in school. In every government office prayer or the mention of God is strictly forbidden. Most of our places of employment are defined as nonreligious entities. Even in raising our children the state is defining what a parent can and can not propagate. Our Christian principles are being abandoned in favor of political correctness or the fallacy of separation of church and state. Are you aware this is happening not because we are resisting the devil but because we are opposing God? Our refusal to submit to God has brought us to where we are. Our society is crumbling under the false delusion of Godlessness.
We have a simple formula if you'll accept it. "Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." "He will flee from you."


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