Thursday, October 12, 2017

Little Faith

Something to think about.
Little Faith
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
What comes first faith or the mountain? Usually, we are looking for the faith required when we arrive at the mountain. Not until the heart attack are we looking for the faith necessary to manifest a miracle. We, at least I, don't have reservoirs of faith stored for trying or impossible situations. Yet when we find ourselves in impossible situations, we try to call on faith we have not stored or attained. The time to exercise faith is not when you don't have any. To pray a vain hopeless prayer of faith with an empty tank at the time of crisis is precisely that an empty request. 
At present, I am trying to accomplish something that is far above anything I've ever done. If we are successful, it will be a miracle. It requires a lot of people, and not everyone regardless of my intention will be on the same page. I will gain no personal benefit in this endeavor other than to see the hand of God work. It is a huge endeavor for me, but I have perfect peace in the attempt. If I fail, the lost will not be mine as much as to the people this project would help. 
When I presented the idea to some of my associates, there was some resistance on several fronts. All of their objections were and are valid. But I see them all as obstacles, not real barriers. I am convinced that they can all be overcome fairly easily. I don't see any of the challenges as a death blow to the project. 
The feeling I have is peace. I believe I am convinced. Unlike any other time in my life that God will provide everything we need to accomplish the goal. I have an unrelenting faith that we will succeed because the project will bring honor and glory to God. It is the most unusual feeling I've ever had. This will be done because God will bring the necessary pieces together. Do I have a reservoir of faith to accomplish this task? Well yes, I do because I have seen the hand of God work in my life. I saw it when I had my heart attack. I saw Him heal me, restore me and bring me back from the jaws of death. I have seen Him work in my life and in the lives of many other people. So yes my tank is full. I believe He will provide the miracle we need to move the mountain before us.
If you want to see your faith become a reality, you must reach beyond what you can grasp. If you extend your hand beyond what you can grasp without faith, you will retract an empty hand. You must believe, expect and receive the miracle of God.


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